TNO Super Events - Turkish Civil War and Reunion

Добрый вечер мои подписчики. Сообщаю Вам, что у меня есть определённый план по выходу видео, в связи с чем предложения по клипу временно не принимаются (если планы не изменятся) Good evening my followers. I inform you that I have a certain plan for the release of the video, in connection with which proposals for the video are temporarily not accepted (unless plans change) Timecodes: 00:00 - 00:10 - Glitch 00:10 - 00:55 - Turkish Collapse - Vivaldi - 4 Seasons - Summer (Presto) 00:55 - 01:41 - Ismet Inonu - Turkey National Anthem 01:41 - 02:25 - Fahri Koruturk - Izmir Marsi 02:25 - 03:10 - Nihat Erim - Biz Ataturk Gencleriyiz 03:10 - 03:50 - Cevdet Sunay - Serhat Durmus - Turkum 03:50 - 04:40 - Buliet Ecevit - Turkish Commando Song 04:40 - 05:25 - Behice Bonan - TKP March 05:25 - 06:10 - Kemal Turker - 1 May Is Marsi 06:10 - 07:10 - Alparslan Turkes - Küffas 07:10 - 07:45 - Alparslan Turkes National Socialism - TNO Opening Theme 07:45 - 08:30 - Celal Baya
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