I have been informed that there is another original made by _Note Tabby_ 🍫 and _RhineX_ , please give some love to their version too!
This was a song suggestion from Insignificant Duck and from 3 other people who wanted me to animate to something from Cosmo! ^^ I usually don’t take song request, but on that day I made a post asking for them, because I needed an idea for a filler. And yes, this animation was meant to be a filler.
I still have that playlist, it’s a pure chaos :]
✦ Song used :
Cosmo Sheldrake - No. 3
✦The Playlist if anyone interested
Character featured:
‣WhatWho (fluffy creature)
‣LostMedia (with a hood, side character)
‣FreakShow (masked bird)
‣SkyRocket (?, side character)
(Sorry for my broken English)
WhatWho and LostMedia are hosthoaxes, an immortal species that lives in the Infinity Dimension. (I’ve talked about them before, just saying for new people here)
LostMedia has found a way to travel to the world of mortals where she exchanges kontrabanda for goods. WhatWho as LostMedia’s partner, helps her in this business, but doesn’t enjoy it much. It’s an extremely dangerous job, powerful and forbidden items tend to entice evil creatures.
Speaking of evil creatures, one day FreakShow shows up and offers LostMedia and WhatWho a partnership. WhatWho doesn’t trust FreakShow from the start, they know he’s up to something. WhatWho has met many creeps like him before, but this time things turned out a little differently. LostMedia accepted FreakShow’s offer. WhatWho was confused. LostMedia explained them secretly that this guy is a timewalker, the second immortal species and that he’s going to be very useful.
Timewalkers are from the Mirror Dimension, it’s quite rare to met them outside of it. They spend almost all of their time working at the factory. According to myths, timewalkers have access to the technologies any creature’s brain will never comprehend.
LostMedia thought it’s still worth a shot
LostMedia owns a special TV that, with a bit of practice, can be used to predict the future! It works kind of like the weather forecast, the TV creates a vision of the most possible future events based on the things happening currently. The “predictions“ are vague and lacking in detail, but they’re almost always correct.
WhatWho has been acting anxious ever since FreakShow came. They were afraid that he’s going to hurt LostMedia. Seeing how upset her partner was, LostMedia offered to check the forecast to reassure them that everything will be fine. It won’t be fine. According to the vision, WhatWho is going to harm LostMedia.
They chose not to believe it, there’s no way WhatWho would do anything like that!
FreakShow and LostMedia had an argument about their collaboration, I don’t want to tell you what exactly they argued about. Both of them have done something wrong. Things start getting a little more violent between them, WhatWho notices that and jumps in front of LostMedia to scare off FreakShow. FreakShow use this as an opportunity to play on his co-worker and twists WhatWho’s head upside down. This distorted their vision in such a way that everyone appeared to be a hostile monster that led WhatWho to attack LostMedia. Freak was also attacked but managed to escape in one piece.
I KNOW that in the last scene WhatWho’s head is normal, I just was too lazy to draw it upside down.
After the accident WhatWho felt too guilty to talk to LostMedia again and left. They aren’t even mad at FreakShow, they think it’s all their fault :(
The world owes WhatWho an apology and a hug
Btw, SamoDobro hates LostMedia, because the stuff she trades often causes unnecessary chaos in The Living World and burdens him with an extra work
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