М. Петровых "Нет, мне уже не страшно быть одной"/M. Petrovih
Scroll down for my English adaptation of the poem.
Images/Narration: Mila Gee
Music: Kevin MacLeod “Sancho Panza Gets a Latte “ Available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
Maria Peterovih: “No, being alone no longer scares me“
No, being alone no longer scares me,
nor do dark nights, uncharted roads I roam.
You’re far away yet you ‘re always with me,
and I’m at peace, at ease—I am at home.
Oh, how your dearest voice enchants my heart.
I have only one regret about my fate:
that so much of our lives were spent apart;
also that you have called for me so late.
My grief’s no longer crushing me inside,
from all my wounds, disgrace, and suffering,
I did not perish; no! I have survived.
Ravenous, I arrived for our meeting.
Your purity’s incredibly profound:
It’s my breath, my power, my liberty.
With you I know that at last I have found
myself as Nature meant for me to be.
No, I’ve not per