Foreign Students (1956)

Swiss Cottage, London. At a school for English the students make their own entertainment. Film begins with shots of a group of students sitting at desks whilst a teacher writes on the board: “In England we say ’How do you do’ when introduced.“ There then follows footage of a party held at the Overseas Club. Students of different nationalities are dressed in national clothing and entertain in the style of their respective countries. A Swiss song is performed, a student from India plays the sitar, a group of German students sing a song and a Spanish student performs some flamenco. Good C/Us of students in national dress watching the performances and of the performers themselves. Narrator explains: “Apart from the fun the youngsters obviously get from occasions like these, they serve to cement friendship between nations.“ Note: the group of students is known as “The Progressive English Group“. Flamenco dancer is Maya Obel and the guitarist who accompanies her is Tony Clinton. Some paper
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