How I Made this Portal Inspired VFX Shot in Blender

Let’s learn how to create portals with VFX inside of blender! This beginner blender visual effects tutorial will show you all the basics you need in order to make amazing visual effects shots inspired by the best puzzle game ever released. In this tutorial you’ll learn camera tracking, basic environment modeling, setting up a 3D scene, and multilayer compositing all inside of blender. You can achieve stunning results in blender however if you want to upgrade the look of your visual effects, you should really be taking your renders and compositing them in other programs. I use nuke for my compositing but after effects and DaVinci Resolve are other great options for those who want to save some money for more important things. Of course I plan on releasing other great tutorials here soon so make sure to stay up to date with everything Blender Visual Effects by subscribing to the channel for content coming soon! Downloads: My Files (Free Version) -
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