Another Day with Homeless Neighbors / Helping Others
Donation links/Wish list; (all links, one click!)
All funds needed to support this cause are my own. If you would like to help, donations enable me to do more ❤️️
An act of kindness is not only good for the person receiving it. Brightening someone’s day
can also create a ripple effect where it inspires others to be kind too. So today we show you
random acts of kindness that will make you cry. Watch this video until the end to restore
your faith in humanity!
Sad Videos that make you Cry Heartwarming Videos Good People
Helping Homeless Feeding Homeless Helping Homeless People
Homelessness Homeless People Homeless Woman Homeless in America
Acts of Kindness Homeless Problem Living Homeless Homeless Outreach
Care packages for Homeless Living on the Streets Helping People
Helping Others Faith in Humanity Restored
Amazon wish list is generally for non-food items;
If you wish to donate food or drink, please donate at your discretion, items listed are fan favorites.
Mailing address can be found by scrolling down. Thank you for supporting this cause 💜
As requested by the younger generation:
Venmo; goodnessinpeople ...
Cash App; goodnessinpeople ... $goodnessinpeople
Buy Me a Coffee ☕️;
Amazon wish list;
Walmart wish list;
People are involved in charitable endeavors for one or more of the following reasons;
Feel better about themselves
Give back to the society of which they have taken from
Advance a cause they feel strongly about, due to a personal experience or adversary that has
occurred in their life
Or to simply make a difference in the world
❤️️ Support this cause by becoming a member;
✉️ goodnessinpeople@
📪 Goodness In People
405 E Wetmore Rd Ste 117 -171
Tucson, AZ 85705
If you have issues entering the shipping address, please remove the 171 (my personal box #)
from the suite number, this is common with Walmart orders. This address is a UPS store
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Thank you for Supporting the Channel ❤️️
✌️ Peace, Michael
Goodness in People 🖤
#actsofkindness #helpinghomelesspeople #homelessness #randomactsofkindness
#kindness #humanity #faithinhumanity #helpingothers #homelesswoman #helpingpeople
#homeless #helphomeless #homelessinamerica #homelessawareness
1 view
3 days ago 00:03:00 18
Architects - “Brain Dead (feat. House of Protection)“