Infekt live at Lost Lands Music Festival 2022 on the Raptor Valley stage. This was Infekt’s first time performing at Lost Lands after years of fans begging for him to be booked. The wait for Infekt at Lost Lands was so worth it and everyone came with their energy on HIGH. Infekt is one of the most respected producers in the community and it truly shows just by the sheer amount of peers, as well as fans that were in attendance. We got a proper Infekt set with many riddim classics paired with modern dubstep fine selections. This is a proper kick off for Infekt & Samplifire’s US Tour. Excited to see what is to come and I absolutely cannot wait to catch my next Infekt set. #infekt #lostlands #whoisbrian BUY WHOISBRIAN MERCH NOW: JOIN MY DISCORD COMMUNITY: LISTEN TO MY PARANOIA FESTIVAL SET: CONNECT WITH ME: Instagram | Twitter | Twitch | TikTok | @whoisbriantho FB Personal | Facebook | Soundcloud | Audius | CHECK OUT ALL MY LOST LANDS CONTENT: WATCH MY FORBIDDEN KINGDOM PLAYLIST:
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