The Miracle of the Five Loaves of Bread and Two Fish | WMSCOG, Church of God

Among God’s Miracles Through Bread, Isn’t the Passover Bread the Most Important? In the history of the five loaves and two fish, God said the miraculous bread that fed 5,000 people is food that spoils. Also, He said the miraculous manna given during the 40-year journey in the desert is food that still let them die even though they ate it. However, since the reality of the bread of the Passover is Jesus, He said that this is the food that gives eternal life. What Can We Do and What Can God Do in the World of Miracles? In the world of miracles, there is nothing that can be done with human ability. In the desert, the ten spies explored Canaan, thinking only about what they could do. However, Joshua and Caleb thought what God could do. Like Joshua and Caleb, the Church of God preaches the gospel of the new covenant all over the world, depending on the power of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother. [John 6:48–51] “I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the ma
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