[Doom 2] Eviternity II RC2 - Map33 “Catalyst“ uvmax/casual playthrough
just putting this here to show it off to somebody. the lasers are instakills and so is touching the floor for a tic. also barrel explosions follow you so if you hold back to make platforming easier for too long you will die instantly. the trick is to hold forward when its safe and then save up a lot of that time for doing more sweeping movements from right to left or the awkward technical stuff. good and very evil use of mbf21 floors.
that being said, i can imagine this being a showstopper for a lot of innocent people who chance upon this secret level after doing some most excellent sliding tile and lights out puzzles in map14, ha ha.
difficult but fun. this took like 15~ attempts probably, mostly failing just as the instakill floor was introduced.
get it: