T-7A Red Hawk First Flight with the U.S. Air Force

The first T-7A #RedHawk soared through the sky on June 28, 2023, completing its official inaugural flight with the U.S. Air Force. Following previous U.S. Air Force flights of the grey-tailed production representative jets (PRJ), a U.S. Air Force pilot flew for the first time the red-tailed engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) aircraft and demonstrated the power and agility of the advanced trainer. The jet’s vibrant red tail is a tribute to the Tuskegee Airmen, the first African American U.S. military aviators, who flew their red-tailed fighters during World War II. What’s Boeing’s latest innovation? Subscribe to the Boeing YouTube Channel: @boeing More great #T7A Red Hawk videos: Our social media handles: ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Instagram: ► LinkedIn: ► Website: Gostaríamos de compartilhar links notícias, editais, provas, inscrições e conteúdo e matérias do mundo militar. Siga-nos nas redes sociais Site Assuntos Militares: GETTR: VК: Telegram: Whatsapp: Youtube: Odysee: @AssuntosMilitares Muito obrigado pela confiança e preferência uma excelente semana.
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