Christian Song | “We Gather to Praise God“ | Indian Dance

God extends His blessings to all those who love to learn His word. If you’re eager to learn God’s word and receive His blessings, please feel free to click the WhatsApp to join our group: Christian Song | “We Gather to Praise God“ | Indian Dance Praise and be joyous! Praise and be joyous! Praise and be joyous! Praise and be joyous! God’s disposition is so lovable. It is our duty to bear witness to God and praise God. Brothers and sisters, we are so happy together. We beat drums and sing and dance together. We praise God incarnate as He begins a new era. God Himself works and speaks among us, He judges man’s unrighteousness and exposes our corruption. We are face to face with the appearance of God. God’s disposition is merciful, and it is righteous and majestic. We shout and we praise. All the glory be to Almighty God. Raise our voices in praise to God, and we’ll have strength! The
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