Paul Gilbert Sweeps With His Ass!!!

Paul Gilbert playing arpeggios with his ass... HOW DOES HE DO IT!?!?!?! 70,000? Keep guessing... Thanks for all the awesome and hilarious comments... keep ’em coming!!! I wrote a description of this video based on some of my favorite comments on it: Here’s one that Paul pulls out of his ass. Paul Gilbert playing some sweeps (or wipes if you prefer). An asspeggio/arsepeggio in the key of Assharp. Paul shows us that even his ass is a better guitarist than the rest of us. Stay tuned for the next video: Paul Gilbert Sweep Dicking! NOTE: Don’t watch the other video “Paul Gilbert Solo Ass Arpeggios“ uploaded by Felipe Divino. Paul said not to put it on the internet, I didn’t reveal the trick, I left it to imagination. This guy who uploaded the other video not only basically stole my video, but betrayed Paul. What a bastard.
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