Ukrainian Origins | A Genetic and Cultural History

SUPPORT the Barksdale Family and History Channel BELOW! The Eurasian region north of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov has long been a crossroads of history, conquest, and migration. The Steppe nations that have formed on the doorstep to Central Asia have built their identities and cultures over millennia. This vast territory has been ruled by a multitude of peoples over the ages. It has always been a challenge to define Ukraine and its surrounding countries. Modern Ukraine is the largest country located fully in Europe. Its current population is the result of millennia of different populations arriving from every corner of the world. And yet, in the world of genetic research, Ukraine remains woefully understudied. 97 Ukrainian individuals currently living in Ukraine comprise the genome study’s dataset. The specific genetic groups, or haplotypes, that these people possess can be traced back through history, across the Steppe, and back into Africa, from which all our
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