English below 》
давно хотела найти это видео и выложить тут, оно было уже ранее на фейсбуке, а песня написана в 2016м году..
I had posted this video of this song before on fb and wanted long ago to find it and post here too, I will share the story about it after translation..
It’s very simple song but very true for me..
I Looovvveee you ..... soooo muuuccchhh ....
I will go with you to the Land
Where cherries are hanging beneath the roof of our house and strawberry fields are blooming beneath them every day ~ so to the morning I can bring berries in my palms to you and see the Light in your eyes and smile to the Beauty:-)
And our childhood dreams will become Golden Flight ~ over the Rainbow’s always living within Us! We are just sparkles of the Bigger LOVE!
We are ALL even when we are emptiness
We are emerging from our depths
I will fly with you to where the Light is
I will become the wings of your Soul
I want to bloom and gift Miracles to the world
I’m waking Life in my Heart
We are just sparkles of the Bigger LOVE
The life and happiness of all planets and stars are in Us
We are flying to this world to Love
And our Heart is our Portal and Bridge
This song came to me in July 4th 2016
That evening I was hurt by person I loved, and I was doing reiki to myself to get back into balance, I set intention then that I wanted my heart to shine so strong that I just would not be vulnerable so much to that kind of agression from outside. Maybe that intention worked... Next I just sat to play my synthesizer in headphones not to bother him still walking around me cold and angry.. and if you want to know how my synthesizer looks ~ go and check my album Seeds of Light and FluoroSynth, and if you checked now imagine how it looked when I also put on glasses I got at festival that made all multiply in rainbow rays! But before that I just picked most hyperspatial sound I found in presets which I made even more hyperspatial and fractal adding effects and making sounds more long and and reflecting with revers and delays. I also tuned it from A432 or A444, I think A444 more often. And I just played in headphones my emotions, just what was coming through my hands ~ same as my fractal art. At first I was still sad. But then that sound especially in headphones started doing something extraordinary with me and the light getting fractal in raibows added to it:-) would be too long to tell all what I experienced that night. But that was kind of trip without any substance. And it was so intense! I felt then so big shining Universal LOVE in me!!
Sadly I knew that the person who hurt me would not understand me if I shared what I experienced then with him, he was still in his state of anger and denial.. and I think I still wish I was able to share such states to inspire and enlighten others, because I met people who actually were able to do that just by their presence. So then I just continued to play and experience that, I was so full of energy! I didn’t want to sleep.. and to the morning I wrote words of this song:-) it was something so true coming from my Heart! And I felt inside how it had to sound but for long time I could not find the right chords for it...
And in 2020 here in Bali these chords finally came! It was when I fell in love with a person who I realized later didn’t not really deserve my love and was no use to wait that he would love me but that time I was inspired by that feeling to him and these chords came... and they sounded so familiar!
And then I realized that those were exactly same chords as of the song that came to me very long ago, maybe in 2006... it was in English, that time it happened to me that something was coming to me just in a flow in English, even my very first song which came already with chords and even visuals to it when I was learning to play guitar 19 years ago (I’m not that great player, in fact I just wanted to be able to play chords of my favourite songs) .. and that song was also kind of prayer or spell to call for my Love, but that time it was more sad and desperate from my unbearable loneliness ..
Absolutely same chords, but new song was just pure Love, it was just pure Light of my Heart 🌟💗
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