China’s first yuan-settled LNG trade cargo arrival signals rising Yuan internationalization

China has received its first yuan-settled LNG cargo from the United Arab Emirates, a move experts say marks a big step forward in the country’s cross-border RMB settlements in the oil and gas trade. 65,000-tonnes of cargo was unloaded on Tuesday at Guangdong Dapeng, an LNG’s inbound terminal in south China’s Shenzhen City, after a 26-day voyage from the UAE. SWIFT says international trade in yuan now stands at 2.5%, while trade in US dollars accounts for 39.4% of the total and trade in euros accounts for 35.8%. But as countries seek de-dollarization, China’s yuan settlement is picking up. __________________ ShanghaiEye focuses on producing top-quality contents. Nobody knows SHANGHAI better than us. Please subscribe to us ☻☻☻ __________________ For more stories, please click ■ What’s up today in Shanghai, the most updated news of the city ■ Amazing Shanghai, exploring the unknown corners of the city, learning the people, food and stories behind them ■ What Chinese people’s lives are like during the post COVID-19 period ■ Views of foreign scholars on China and its affairs ■ Foreign faces in Shanghai, people living in this city sharing their true feelings ■ Mini-docs showing why China is the country it is today __________________ ☎Leave us messages if you have any suggestions or questions! Thank you!
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