There’s a huge problem brewing on the Italian coast. The strongest earthquake in forty years just rocked Pozzuoli this week and people were so terrified that they slept in their cars and at emergency camps on the seafront.
But that’s not the end of the story. There’s a way bigger problem happening in Italy and it’s not looking good.
Campi Flegrei, with its 24 hidden craters, is the most dangerous volcano in Europe, even more massive than Mount Vesuvius. Itali is so worried that they’re rushing to make evacuation plans for half a million people. Stay with us to learn more about this terrifyi situation.
After weeks of hundreds of earthquakes detected west of Naples, fears of a possible volcanic eruption are growing in Italy. The supervolcano Campi Flegrei, located close to Naples, Italy, appears to be preparing for its first eruption since 1538. This isn’t just any volcano—it’s a supervolcano, meaning that it has the ability to explode and release enormous volumes of volcanic materiaShow more