#6. Creative Potential of Man and its Development | Mikhail Velichko

0:27 — Summary of previous lecture: What is culture? 6:00 — Today’s meeting is dedicated to creative potential 6:24 — The psyche as a process is carried by man’s biofields... What does this have to do with creative potential? 15:08 — Gnosiology 21:48 — The importance of philosophy and a metaphor to help understand its role 30:48 — Dialectics according to Socrates and dialectics according to Hegel 36:15 — If we recognize this definition of dialectics as an instrument of cognition, then the question arises: where do these questions come from that lead us to the truth? 40:55 — What is Distincti...on? 42:01 — Next comes intellect... 42:22 — Worldview as a model of the world 45:00 — There are two types worldview: kaleidoscopic and mosaic First five videos of this course can be found here: What is SOVEST? What is NRAVIOUSNESS? What is PRAVIOUSNESS? See the video “What Make
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