FAT MELTING / BURNING routine by Maria & Sofya KHOREVA

This fat melting workout is really all about melting the fat and boosting the metabolizm! We’re doing intense cardio moves in tabata format and then also exercises on the mat focusing on core, legs and upper body. Two rounds to equally get your heart rate up and make your muscles work! Lets melt the unwanted fat and get energized together! DONATE if you want MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS x3 SIDE LUNGE AND CHASSE x3 JUMPING JACK & LUNGES x3 JACKKNIFE CRUNCH SWIMMERS JACKKNIFE CRUNCH SWIMMERS SIDE LEG LIFT PULSES R SIDE LEG LIFT PULSES L PUSH UP HIGH KNEES x3 BURPEES x3 3,2,1 JUMPING LUNGES x3 STAR ABS BRIDGES STAR ABS BRIDGES SIDE TO SIDE LEG TAPS R SIDE TO SIDE LEG TAPS L TRICEP DIPS PLUS A KICK
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