A Day in The Life of an American Truck Driver - Road Rage, Brake Check, Car Crash, Instant Karma USA
π Submit your clips:
β« Contact me at dashcamlessons@
β« Links to the original videos:
1. - --- Hit n Run ( )
2. Anonymous - --- ( )
3. LouGiblin - --- Bad exit strategy ( )
LouGiblin - --- Unsafe merge from shoulder ( )
4. Diabloein - --- ( )
5. TMQ - --- ( )
6. Sleepeagle - --- no βelementβ of surprise ( )
Sleepeagle - --- cop gets a speeder and prius cut me off ( )
Sleepeagle - --- Almost ran Over ( )
Sleepeagle - --- beware of traffic before exiting vehicle ( )
Sleepeagle - --- You would think this driver knew better! ( )
7. Duncan - --- ( )
8. Unsub - --- Kermit TX truck half off the pavement not sure why ( )
Unsub - --- little bit of road rage TX 349 at I-20 Midland Texas ( )
Unsub - --- I-20 Midland Texas. read the signs idiot ( )
Unsub - --- watch until the end. Sunglo St cr 110 Midland TX 2 idiot drivers ( )
Unsub - --- hold your horses little car. ( )
Unsub - --- Stop trying to beat the truck. Wait just a few seconds it might save your life. nobody was behind me ( )
Unsub - --- Super Vac Truck Midland Texas ( )
Unsub - --- fully loaded and this ass hat ( )
Unsub - --- failed to yield to the interstate ( )
Unsub - --- ( )
9. norahc - --- Parking Lot Accident ( )
norahc - --- Another Parking Lot Accident ( )
10. Trailera Dash Aventuras - --- 4 wheeler makes left turn on my right of way. ( )
β« My socials:
TikTok: @dashcamlessons
β« Intro song:
My Country - Ben Bostick