Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance for Quadrotors with Event Cameras (Science Robotics 2020)
Today’s autonomous drones have reaction times of tens of milliseconds, which is not enough for navigating fast in complex dynamic environments. To safely avoid fast moving objects, drones need low-latency sensors and algorithms. We depart from state of the art approaches by using event cameras, which are novel bioinspired sensors with reaction times of microseconds. Our approach exploits the temporal information contained in the event stream to distinguish between static and dynamic objects and leverages a
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Fencing a Quadrotor: Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance fencing a quadrotor: dynamic obstacle avoidance
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Digit v2: Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance
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Rapid, Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance with an Event-based Camera
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EVO II Obstacle Avoidance Crash Test and Dynamic Track
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Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance for Quadrotors with Event Cameras (Science Robotics 2020)
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Dynamic obstacle avoidance with teb local planner [ROS | NAVIGATION STACK]
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Obstacle Warrior Stg 1 Winner - Nathan Burkhalter
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Fixed Gear Obstacle Racing in Latvia - Red Bull Tru Fix 2012