USA: Crack American cavalry conduct war game by wireless commands (1931)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Controlled by wireless commands, crack American cavalry conduct war-gamesin New Mexico. B/W material. United States of America? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Heard but not Seen USA: New Mexico: EXT US 8th Cavalry ride past camera Side view Soldiers on horseback holding wireless set Trooper explaining how wireless command controlling works SOT Trooper by truck, sending out message SOT Soldier on horseback receiving message Cavalry riding to attack in war game Soldiers firing machine guns Close Shot of one soldier firing machine gun towards Low Angle shot of cavalry charging towards and past Background: Controlled by wireless commands, crack American cavalry conduct war-gamesin New Mexico. B/W material. United States of America / Military / Active / Communications / radio FILM ID: VLVA69G4WWFWSOI47
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