0:00 - Sunshine
These levels came out a while ago, but for some reason I never uploaded them, so I decided to do it now since they’re really good. In the first half we have Sunshine, a level that takes it’s name seriously. It’s bright, sunny and just an upbeat level all around, featuring bright and vibrant colors, different pieces of art in the background and even the block design, depicting popular summer themes. I also really enjoy the couple of parts where it seems like it’s going to nighttime but the sun comes back crashing into the level with even more intensity than before, overall just a fun happy level.
Song: Tessa Violet - Just Right (dan harrison b. remix)
1:32 - Moonlight
Now in the second half we have Moonlight, the antithesis of Sunshine where you get to see the night sky, dark and cold mountains, and a dimly lit forest. To me, what truly makes this level shine is the animations, especially for the moon,