Steve Gadd - drum solo

Full Steve Gadd article with more videos and photos on Drummerszone: Steve Gadd drum solo from The Drummerszone Vault In November 2007, Steve Gadd was in the Netherlands to perform with Dutch artist Alain Clark. Steve recorded Clark’s album ’Live it Out’ and was flown in for the cd-release party. Yes, a CD, because there were no music streaming services in 2007, only illegal peer-to-peer download platforms. The day after the show, Steve Gadd had a sold-out clinic evening in venue Patronaat in Haarlem. Below is the second video of his two hour session. Check the full specs, foto’s and more on: More Steve Gadd solo from Drummerszone The photos Check Steve Gadd’s artist page on Drummerszone for all the 85(!) photos from this evening:
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