Mario Lanza - Non Ti Scordar Di Me - Gordeeva and Grinkov

Mario Lanza’s incomparable voice is combined with master paintings and the expert figure skating of Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov to produce a beautiful audio and visual experience. The song, Non Ti Scordar di Me, (Don’t Forget Me) “...was written by Roberto Casalino and Tiziano Ferro and co-produced by Fabrizio Giannini .... The song world-premiered on May 27, 2008 on the last episode of the first Italian edition of X Factor. [above quote is from (song) ] “Mario Lanza recorded this 1935 Italian song on 3 April 1952 for his weekly radio show, with Constantine Callinicos conducting.... “Non Ti Scordar di Me“ (De Curtis-Furnó) was originally written for Beniamino Gigli, who sang it in his 1935 film of the same name. This recording was first released by BMG in 1993, and is currently available on the 2009 Sony CD Serenade: A Mario Lanza Songbook.“ (above quote is from:
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