bestamvsofalltime anime music video (amv)
Hidden Palace 60fps amv edited by Nostromo
Latest amv in this playlist -
Music - Zircon feat. Jillian Aversa – Just Hold On (Padilion Remix)
Anime: .//hack Sekai no Mukou ni, .//hack G.U Trilogy, Atelier Shallie Alchemists of the Dusk Sea, Atelier Ayesha, BaKaAfter; Kirakira suru mizu no soko (Vocaloid 3DCG), Brother P; Kanou Sekai no Rondo (Vocaloid 3DCG), Hashiyasume; Prologue to the New World (Vocaloid 3DCG), Inu x Boku SS, Shinsekai Yori, Space Pirate Captian Harlock, Supernova mu-cho Remix (Vocaloid 3DCG), Vanguard Sound; Rebirth (Vocaloid 3DCG)