Review: the Mossberg Brownie - a 4-barrel .22-caliber derringer
Most are familiar with Mossberg as a shotgun manufacturer, but they produced a single handgun in their early days in the 1920s. The Mossberg Brownie is a 4-barrel derringer, somewhat similar in appearance to the COP derringer and Cobray Pocket Pal. It can shoot 22 short, 22lr, and 22 long rimfire cartridges. Around 33,000 were made, although far fewer exist today because of poor care by their owners. The guns were marketed towards hunters and trappers, so it is rare to find them in great shape. Despite being somewhat tough to find, they can be had cheaply and are a lot of fun to shoot. Be sure to never use high velocity ammo in them, as they were not designed for it and you can destroy the gun.