History of the SS Galicia and why they are NOT heroes.
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Welcome to notes from underground I’m Jareth Copus. Today we are talking about the Ukrainian government giving the OK to idolize and memorialize the Nazi SS Galician Division. The fourth Reich continues to march and rewriting history is one of their first major battles, let’s make sure we put up a fight.
If you haven’t already taken a quick look at the SS Galician in my preview video that showed a great deal of photographic evidence of the connection of the Ukrainian Nationalists and their Nazi brothers. So now let’s get into a brief and I stress this point brief history of this group and show without an ounce of doubt that if you worship these scum, you are worshiping Nazis.
In 1943 German Governor of district Galicia, Dr. Otto Von Wachter suggested the creation of a Waffen SS division that was made up entirely of local Galician volunteers. At first the suggestion was ignored but after the backing of the architect of the holocaust and 2nd most powerful man in Nazi Germany, Heinrich Himmler, the 14th Volunteer Division SS Galizien was announced in April of 1943.
Recruitment posters, newspaper articles, radio broadcasts and speeches were held and Ukrainian men, a majority of whom already part of the OUN in its various forms, scrambled to join the ranks of the Nazis they so worshiped. The specifically Ukrainian aspect of this division was that it was given very rare special treatment not afforded to many other volunteer groups, it was allowed a Chaplain from the Ukrainian Catholic church assigned to its ranks. Not only this but the Unit would not have to fight against the allies they were to be given the specific task of fighting the Bolsheviks.
A considerable portion of those who joined the SS Galizien came specifically from the OUN-M, one of the factions of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. To simplify this quickly the OUN split when its older members who preferred Mussolini and the younger members who idolized hitler couldn’t agree and began killing each other. The OUN-M saw this as a way to gain the upper hand in garnering the Nazi’s affection and help them defeat their OUN-B foes. The OUN B openly opposed the creation of the SS Galizien largely for this reason, although a small number of OUN-B members did join the SS Galizien regardless.
The SS Galizien was commanded by German, Austrian and Ukrainian officers and obtained training from the SS Ausbildungs- Battalion commanded by SS Sturmbannfugrer Bernard Bartlet and overseen by General Walter Schimana. A total of 81,999 men enlisted to the division, out of which 42,000 were called up for the first recruitment phase, from which 27,000 were selected as fit for military service and a total of 13,000 were enlisted. The unit was then sent to the Brody Area to partake in anti-partisan actions against the Polish and Soviets. The unit immediately faced intense combat but maintained its composure and followed orders closely, which garnered the praise of German Field Marshal Walter Model who rarely voiced his pleasure to the rank and file. They encountered huge loses which led to the necessity of rebuilding the division before it could be deployed again. It took two months to recruit and train new members but immediately after the ranks were filled they were sent to Slovakia to assist in quelling the Slovak National uprising. According to well respected historians it was here that SS Galizien was assisting in anti- partisan, repressive and terrorist actions on a large scale and the first documentation of murder and partaking in the genocide of Jews by the SS Galizien.
Perhaps one of the most well-known massacres involving the Ukrainian nationalists took place in Huta Pieniacka. At the time the village had over 1,000 inhabitants all living in close proximity. The village was being used as a shelter for refugees and was an active base of the Polish Communist party. The SS Galizien had been repelled by the local peasants when they attempted to attack the town and the massacre that followed was one of the few times the OUN-B and OUN-M worked together since the split. The SS Galicia and the Nazi aligned UPA, composed of OUN-B members were sent to take the town, once again brought together by hatred and murder the two groups surrounded the small village that was supposedly holding 600-800 Polish soldiers.
The village was shelled by artillery until noon when German and Ukrainian SS forces moved in and began herding the villagers into barns, which were then lit on fire, some argue they had a more humane death than many others, survivors reported the excessive abuse given to women and children during this massacre.
Continued on
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