Sultan + Shepard - En

En is a Japanese word that refers to the deep ways that we are all connected to each other through karma or destiny. It is the reason why you are born into one family and not another, why of twenty people you may meet at a party, one person becomes your best friend, or why you fall in love with this person instead of that one. It is the invisible thread of connections that ties our lives together over time. We often think about how random it was that we met each other and ended up making music together, but also how natural it has all felt since day one. So when we first learned about this wo...rd, we knew we wanted to name a song after it, and we imagined it would be something beautiful and ambient. But, following in the footsteps of nCTRL and RnR, we soon realized that this epic, dark, mysterious and energetic instrumental was the perfect fit for such a profound word. Hope you all enjoy🙏🏽
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