Maha Pralaya ~ BON (album) ~ Ambient Meditation on the Five Primary Elements of the Universe.

Maha Pralaya ~ BON (album) ~ Ambient Meditation on the Five Primary Elements of the Universe. tracklist 1. Element of ether 10:40 2. Air element 13:24 3. Element of water 11:48 4. Element of the earth 09:54 5. Fire element 12:16 Maha Pralaya Russia ritual ambient / drone / dark ambient / post-apocalypse raga / urban shamanism / hinduism / bon . Family duo creating sound canvases: mediation and immersion, sacredness and cognition, journeys beyond.ॐ नमः शिवाय! Five elements (Tib. བྱུང་བ་ལྔ་, jungwa nga, Wyl. ’byung ba lnga) — the outer elements that constitute all matter. They are: earth (Skt. pṛthivī; Tib. ས་, Wyl. sa) water (Skt. ab; Tib. ཆུ་, Wyl. chu) fire (Skt. tejas; Tib. མེ་, Wyl. me) air (or wind) (Skt. vāyu; Tib. རླུང་, Wyl. rlung) and space (Skt. ākāśa; Tib. ནམ་མཁའ་, Wyl. nam mkha’) These outer elements interact with the inner elements within our own physical body, and the potential and quality of these five elements also exist within our mind. Mind’s ability to serve as the ground for all experience is the quality of earth; its continuity and adaptability is water; its clarity and capacity to perceive is fire; its continuous movement is air; and its unlimited emptiness is space. In Vajrayana In the Vajrayana the five elements are understood to be, and perceived as the Five female buddhas or five mothers: Buddhalochana (Tib. Sangyé chenma) the consort of Akshobhya, who represents the purity of the element earth Mamaki (Tib. Mamaki) the consort of Ratnasambhava, who represents the purity of the element water Pandaravasini (Tib. Gökarmo) the consort of Amitabha, who represents the purity of the element fire Samayatara (Tib. Damtsik Drolma) also known as Green Tara, the consort of Amoghasiddhi, who represents the purity of the element wind Dhatvishvari (Tib. Ying Chukma) also known as Vajra Datvishvari or White Tara, the consort of Vairochana, who represents the purity of the element space Discover & Support MAHA PRALAYA ~~~ May All Sentient Beings Be Liberated
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