Brother Samuels Full Testimony Why I want to become a Priest. A Schizophrenia Testimony....

Hi, I’m Brother Samuel, I am 21 years old. I’m a man that struggles with mental illness... (Ever since I was 17 years old). This is Brother Samuel’s Full Testimony (revised), on why I am going towards Priesthood, and why I have literally been struggling with my sanity the past 5 years. This is a testimony about my battle with schizophrenia, and this testimony is what ultimately made me jump out of the air plane over 10,000 feet above ground over Puerto Rico, to conqueror my fears. I’m currently “getting help“. I’m seeing a psychologist therapist and a psychiatrist every week. I’m taking my medicine every day. I’ve told them my entire testimony. This is the testimony, transliterated from my First Book of my “series of books“ (over 6 volumes), that make up “The Gospel of Samuel“ my over 700 page book. I’m not planning on ever publishing the “original story“, which is my 700 page book, that will be my own secret. I just wanted to share my testimony transliterated from my first book, which is about 100 pages. (With all the names censored). This story will make me rich someday, a millionaire... People pay good money for books on mental illness. This book would be a “break through“ in medicine, by having something where other people can understand what mental illness is truly like, and how severe it affects people, and this is a true example of it versus someone making up bullshit, that gives the full uncensored truth to what it’s like to live with a mental illness. “ I censored the names of all the people involved in the story“, I censored the names of the people I got into conflicts with. I censored the name of the town it happened in. (Which is why portions of the video the screen is black). And therefore nothing bad can come of writing what has made me want to become a Priest. No one has to get in trouble, not even me. This testimony is not to “persecute“ anyone. I don’t want drama, fame, or attention. (It’s too much stress on my mental illness). I just want to share what made me want to become a Priest. I don’t want to feel anymore like a soul stuck between Heaven and Hell and in purgatory because his story cannot be expressed, not even to his own family. This is probably the most powerful testimony I ever made.... And if you’re a true American you believe our country was founded on freedom of speech and expression as our individual liberties. This video is also my Father’s 40th birthday present from me. I don’t own music rights, that credit belongs to them. And the other credits belong to their specific content creators. Don’t hate me please. I’m moving on from this, I just wanted my testimony to be known. As to why I want to become a Priest of Jesus Christ. Married to the Church. With the blood of Jesus through the bread and wine sacrament of the Church (Melchizedek being who started the bread and wine symbolism with Abraham who started the Jewish religion, in Genesis 14, the Old Testament), you have the blood of someone that was actually born in Bethlehem and did actually do a lot of the miracles and was also from God. You have the blood of a powerful Rabbi permanently a part of your soul. This is my testimony.... My skydiving video, “ “ My music playlist, “ “ My World of Warcraft Gaming account video, “ “. My favorite sayings of Jesus, “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ The Gospel of John is my favorite book and movie. I chose John the Apostle as my Confirmation Saint of Catholicism. And those are also the reasons I want to become an ordained Catholic Priest. I hate that I have to explain every reason for why I feel the ways I do, because people aren’t respectful enough to think I know what I’m talking about because I’m 21 years old. I don’t ask to be “believed in“. I want the people to believe in God. This testimony is not about me, (It is about my mental illness struggles), but it’s not to glorify me, but to glorify God, and to point people towards God. And maybe to even help others struggling with the same thing by realizing they are not alone. I don’t want others to feel “alone“ that are struggling with this, because I was “alone“ for it, and that was very hard on me. (And look at what I accomplished, jumping out of a plane over 10,000 feet above ground to conqueror my illness).. And being awesome at video games... We are not our illness, it is a part of our journey.... This is my testimony..... - Saint Samuel.
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