Death Of Georges Vanier, Former Governor General Of Canada (1967)

Ottowa, Canada DEATH OF GEORGES VANIER, FORMER GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA Flashbacks: MS Major General Georges P Vanier and wife signing their Christmas cards, . VS Vanier with lots of young children around him at a Christmas party. MS Mr & Mrs Vanier with President and Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy on their visit to Ottawa in 1961. MS Vanier in 1964 with Queen Elizabeth II during her visit to Canada. Ms Vanier with Shah of Iran and wife in 1965. VS Vanier during 1965 in Ottawa at ceremony of raising Canada’s own flag to the top of the parliament building. Lester Pearson, Prime Minister of Canada is seen with him. GV Ottawa’s parliament building. MS queue of people outside waiting to pay last homage to Vanier. VS people file past the coffin. MS the coffin being loaded onto gun carriage. MS Gun carriage in procession. GV coffin arriving at the Cathedral of the Notre Dame. VS inside Cathedral during funeral service. His two sons, one a Trappist Monk, and the other a teacher in a Catholic School in France
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