A photo unites the martyred leaders Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri of Hamas, assassinated today in Lebanon, and martyr Tariq Izz El-Din

A photo unites the martyred leaders Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri of Hamas, assassinated today in Lebanon, and martyr Tariq Izz El-Din of PIJ, assassinated in Gaza in August 2023, while Tariq was receiving treatment for leukemia in Egypt. Tariq defeated the cancer before his martyrdom in the cowardly zionist assassination. Both are former prisoners, with Tariq spending 12 years in the occupation prisons for his resistance activity in Jenin, released in the Faithful to the Free 2011 deal that Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri himself oversaw the negotiations for. Tariq was held in the same prison cell as the heroes of the Freedom Tunnel prison break operation of September 2021. Sheikh Saleh, meanwhile, spent 18 years in total in occupation prisons. Tariq, of Arraba, Jenin, was exiled to Gaza after his liberation from the prisons. Arouri, however, was one of the few who was exiled away from Gaza, to Syria and later Lebanon, as his presence was deemed a threat to the zionist entity. Both leaders united the fields, with Tariq commanding Saraya Al-Quds’ activities in the West Bank, especially in Jenin, from Gaza, and Sheikh Saleh commanding Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades’ activities in the West Bank from Lebanon. In Tariq’s words: “Whenever a leader ascends, ten will emerge to replace them.“ Glory to our martyred leaders. Источник: Resistance News Network
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