Science Fiction: A Supercut (Glitch Mob remix “Monday“)

A remix video of about 100 science fiction movies. This took about a month of editing. In regards to the weird aspect ratio, we had to crop it because we were working with so many weird formats. The song is the Glitch Mob remix “Monday,“ original by Nalepa. List of Movies Involved: (Missing Some... Will be Updated) Battle LA E.T. District 9 Tron: Legacy Star Wars Episode 1 2001: A Space Odyssey Watchmen The Prototype Wall-E Looper Avatar King Kong A Trip to the Moon Star Trek Bladerunner Transformers III Terminator Salvation Speed Racer The Matrix AI: Artificial Intelligence Moon Old Tron Avengers Back to the Future Thor Metropolis The Abyss I, Robot Children of Men I am Legend Men in Black Alien Aliens John Carter Star Wars Episode 4 Star Wars Episode 5 Star Wars Episode 6 V for Vendetta Terminator 2 RoboCop 1984 Independence Day The Day the Earth Stood Still (n
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