484. A legend that lives with us... 6th film version.
“In two hundred, three hundred years, life on earth will be unimaginably beautiful, amazing. A person needs such a life, and if it does not exist yet, then he must anticipate it, wait, dream, prepare for it, he must see and know more for this than his grandfather and father saw and knew... And you complain that you know too much“. (A.P. Chekhov “Three Sisters“).
The author of the film (484; 17:14) and the music for it is Sergey Mikhailovich Petrikov (Sergius Buchner). This music-slide synthetic video work is based on
photos of Din
...mukhammed Kanatuly Kudaibergen from the free internet.
Plan of musical accompaniment.
1) 00:00 op. ( music;.
2) 02:47 op. (Music for piano).
3) 05:42 op. ( music).
4) 08:29 op. ( musiс).
5) 12:36 op. 20220Show more