The Traumas and Rock Stars That Inspired Courtney Love on LIVE THROUGH THIS

The first 1000 people to use the link will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Courtney Love is a controversial figure. A complex individual who is equally adored and reviled. As much as Hole were a band, and not merely her backing group, Love’s experiences with the press, her fans and other rockstars colour her best work. And nowhere is that more apparent than on Hole’s 1994 album Live Through This. Tragedy loomed over its initial release, but its hard-rocking, vitriol-fuelled tracks like “Violet”, “She Walks On Me” and “Olympia”, as well as more introspective moments like “Doll Parts” and “Asking For It” illustrate the trials and tribulations of being Courtney Love circa 1993. These are the traumas and Rockstars that inspired Live Through This. #CourtneyLove #Grunge #Documentary This video was sponsored by Skillshare. Soundtrack: Luar - Beyond () pATCHES
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