TOP 8 Best High-Capacity Revolvers for Self Defense

In this video I’m not talking about medium frame revolvers chambered in some weak rimfire cartridge with capacities of 8 or more rounds. I’m talking about revolvers chambered in the powerful .357 magnum cartridge with a 7 or 8 shot cylinder. There aren’t a lot of those, but they do exist. It is why these days, you can’t just call any revolver a six shooter. There are 5 shot, 7 shot, and 8 shots as well. In this video, I’ll talk about some of the best high capacity .357 Magnum revolvers available on the market today. We’ll be covering models from Taurus, Ruger, Smith & Wesson, and Korth. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE help us reach 100k Subscribes ➥ Youtube: ➥ Website: ➥ Facebook: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #revolver #357magnum #thepewpewzone
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