ЛЕЛЬ - LEL’ (a song about Russian Krishna - Lel’)

Play my svirel [little flute] Hey-ho play, play! Blossom, oh, the flower of my heart, Hey-ho, bloom! I’ll go out on the riverbank I’ll stay, sit there there for a while And the little children, the carefree ones - I’ll look at them Lyoli, lyoli, oh my Lel’ [lyoli – a call of a sweet Shepherd – God Lel’] My Lel, my charmer (magician) Lel’ Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Lolly Oh, Did-Lado, Lel! [a traditional call to ancient Gods of Slavic pantheon] Come, come to the woods Into the oak woods Lubavushka is delighted to meet her dearest friend Round dances [horovods, karagods] are run on the glades in a night All the little stars from the sky will bow you, oh, my Lel. Заиграй моя свирель, ой-да заиграй. Зацветай, цветок мой - сердце, ой-да расцветай. Выйду не берег я речки, ой-да посижу. Да на малых детушек беспечных ой-да погляжу. Лёли-лёли, Лель мой! Лель мой - чародей мой. Лёли-лёли, Лель мой! Ой, Дид-Ладо, Лель. Ты по
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