How Cambridge Won The 77th Boat Race (1925)

Item title reads - How Cambridge won 77th Boat Race. Oxford, challengers, take the water first. Putney to Mortlake, London. M/S as the Oxford rowing team carry their boat out of the boathouse. Intertitle - ’Cambridge soon followed, having won the toss and chosen the Middlesex side.’ M/S as Cambridge carry their boat out. L/S of the two teams lined up on the water, they start rowing. Intertitle - ’ Cambridge already lead by a length.’ L/S of Cambridge out in front as the two teams row up the river. Intertitle - ’ The Light Blues lead by 6 lengths - Oxford were in difficulties being almost waterlogged.’ L/S from above as Cambridge speed out into the lead, M/S as Oxford follow, the front of their boat is beginning to sink. Intertitle - ’ Cambridge rowing easily.’ L/S of Cambridge rowing along. Intertitle - ’ Oxford give up!’ M/S of Oxford rowing, they stop and still look to be sinking, another boat sails past. Intertitle - ’4.1 Cambridge paddle past the post.’ M/S a
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