Mortal Kombat Reconciliation Part 3 | The Netherrealm

Mortal Kombat Reconciliation Sprite Animation Part 3 | The Netherrealm. Here is part 3! I had to upload this 3 days early because I am going away for two weeks. I had to cut out a 3 minute side story scene because of this. The missing scene from this video will be in Part 4, making the next video quite lengthy. Good news is, ALL of the fight scenes in this video are complete and polished. Ermac shows up and kicks some ass as usual. The Neatherrealm arena I created had multiple layers and is a polished version of the original; similar to The Living Forest in Part 2. Ermac’s sword was very tim...e consuming because I had to edit the sword into each sprite using Photoshop. I ended up creating 50 sprites. Ermac’s style of fighting is pretty much the same as Scorpion. Huge balls of green energy and a laser he shoots with one hand. A scene with Ermac was deleted from Part 1 because I couldn’t fit it in anywhere which didn’t break the flow of the movie. It’s a scene where Shang Tsung creates Ermac using the shouls inside the “soulnado“ in The Soul Chamber. I may upload some short deleted scenes or perhaps I will slide them into the final movie. These SD remake episodes are very different compared to the old SD videos. If you remember the SD series, you’ll notice the twist at the end of this video. Part 4 will be very different. There will be a lot more dialogue in it since it’s the transition into the Earthrealm chapter of the series. Then Part 5 will be all out chaos. I consider Part 1, 2, 3, 4 the recruiting saga; part 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 the Earthrealm saga; part 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 is Shao Kahn’s Fortress saga; part 18, 19, 20 is the Shang Tsung saga. ---All graphics modified using Adobe Photoshop CS3. ---All animation produced using Adobe Flash CS3. ---All custom sound effects created using Adobe Soundbooth CS3 ---All fine tweaks and polishing done with Adobe Premiere CS5 ---SWF to MP4 conversion done with SWIVEL Animated by Scott Hunt ✅ Discord: ✅ Patreon: ✅ Twitter: ✅ Facebook Group: ✅ Reddit: ✅ PSN: ScorpionXII ✅ Donate Bitcoin: 3DfNw1QnY8xWc88J3aayxPE5hPZihKaobC ✅ Donate via PayPal: Thanks for watching! Timestamps: 00:00 - Episode 3 00:12 - Shao Kahn’s Throne 01:07 - The Netherrealm 07:23 - Welcome #MortalKombatReconciliation
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