Muay Thai Defense Against Punches | Long Guard to Thai Clinch Entry

Getting knocked out by punches is not good. So we’re going to build a defense like Floyd Mayweather’s defense to punches but with a dash of Muay Thai... Build a fighter’s body and scary knockout power in all eight limbs (FREE workout) === What’s the best Muay Thai defense against punchers? There are a few different defensive techniques you can use, but one of the best is definitely the long guard. Utilizing the long guard to block punches and engage inside the Muay Thai clinch with your opponent is a great way to avoid damage while gaining superior position. Give this defensive Muay Thai technique a try and use it next time you want to get inside the Thai clinch or avoid taking damage due to punches! Build a fighter’s body and scary knockout power in all eight limbs (FREE workout) === Dominate the Muay Thai clinch, break legs with leg kicks, build out your co
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