Three Days Grace "Scared" Guitar Lesson

Logan teaches you how to play the main riff from “Scared“ by Three Days Grace. Tuning: Standard for main riff. Drop D for rest of the song. Tabs: Equipment Used: Camera: =sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=VideoSky 1080P 30FPS 24MP Vlogging YouTube Camera&qid=1605814919&sr=8-3 Microphone: =sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=mouriv mv gmc201 wireless microphone&qid=1605815626&sr=8-5 Guitar: Fender Stratocaster Amp: Marshall SL5 Slash Signature Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: ​​​... Instagram: Snapchat: mostlegitlogan Please like, comment, and subscribe. Thank you for
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