The Baths of Trajan were built. on Esquiline hill ridge (Oppian) near the Baths of Titus, with a magnificent view of the. Colosseum. Remarkably, Trajan’s baths set a new standard for size and scale, comprising an area of 250 X 210 meters (followed by the Baths of Caracalla and Diocletian), and were built atop the remains of the Esquiline wing of Nero’s Golden House (Domus Aurea). Today, a few sections of the Baths of Trajan survive in a large. public park, which we can explore. The massive halls, libraries, and fountains disperse through the huge park give an idea of Trajan’s Baths, attributed to Apollodorus of Damascus. Behind it was the Sette Sale cistern (closed to the public).
Find out more about the Baths of Trajan at
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