Full title reads: “Manchester Civic Week. Gay two mile long pageant of industry ... spectacular feature of historic week“.
Various shots of carnival procession going down crowd lined city streets - including floats, steam rollers, tractors etc. Theme seems to be industry: lots of machines and advertisements for products. M/S of Mayor of Manchester and dignitaries watching parade from platform.
Various shots of crowd in field, Mayor in foreground, chatting to people around him. Various L/Ss of aeroplanes in flight. Panning shots of crowds in city waiting for pageant to pass. M/S of man giving speech from platform, policemen stand guard in foreground. Panning shot of policemen standing in front of crowd, many wear War medals. M/S of Sir Alan Cobham giving speech from platform. More general crowd shots. Panning shot aeroplane taking off. M/S Cobham in back chauffeur driven car surrounded by crowd. M/S mayor getting into chauffeur driven car. Various shots brass band marching
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