Bobby Bugsby had a bike,
a birthday present from his brother Mike.
His big boy bike was shiny black,
with a bell on the front and a flag on the back.
Lots of words begin with the letter b!
When you open a book, how many words do you see
beginning with the letter b?
Billy Brown bought a blue balloon;
gave the balloon to his pet baboon.
He named his pet baboon Babette.
They became best buddies from the day they met.
Lots of words begin with the letter b!
When you open a book, how many words do you see
beginning with the letter b?
Now, “Bebop“ Bennett was a busy boy.
He bopped and bounced all around with joy.
He could boogie-woogie, break-dance, and do ballet. Wow!
Bravo “Bebop“ Bennett! Bend and take a little bow!
For breakfast, Beth and Betty would bake.
Baskets of biscuits and bagels they’d make.
They made bacon, bologna, and bowls of beef stew,
and butterscotch pudding, and banana bread too!
Lots of words begin with the letter b!
When you open a book, how many words do you see
beginning with the letter
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