Spider-Man Strikes Back (1978) - Trailer

In Spider-Man Strikes Back, three college students steal the materials needed to create an atomic bomb, recklessly implicating both Peter Parker and his alter ego Spider-Man (Nicholas Hammond) in the crime. While attempting to prevent a catastrophic disaster from happening, Spider-Man stumbles upon the plan of millionaire Mr. White (Robert Alda), who wants to get his hands on the bomb for his own use. Spider-Man must stop the scheming criminal’s plan while dealing with distractions from Daily Bugle Editor-In-Chief J. Jonah Jameson (Robert F. Simon) and an attractive journalist Gale Hoffman (Jo...Anna Cameron). Spider-Man Strikes Back was released theatrically in Europe and seen on television in the United States as a two-part episode of The Amazing Spider-Man, entitled “The Deadly Dust.“
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