Английский язык 10 класс (Урок№35 - Being healthy.)

Английский язык 10 класс Урок№35 - Being healthy. What does being healthy mean? What does it take to be healthy? How many times a year do you visit your doctor? мы узнаем: новые лексические единицы по теме «Здоровье»; мы научимся: рассказывать о здоровых привычках; мы сможем: вести беседу, используя новые лексические единицы. Being healthy is very important, but what should we do to be healthy? We should have doctor’s check-ups at least once a year as well as follow a well-balanced diet and do some sports exercises. To talk about being healthy we need some words: Doughnut, indig...estion, itchy, mind, nut, overweight, pale, seed, skinny, sleepy, sore, spicy, stomach ache, sugary, teaspoon, tiredness, tooth decay, underweight, waistline, well-balanced, call over, cut down, cut out, catch a cold, off colour, on one’s feet, get oneself back into shape, take a turn for the wors
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