Unveiling the Lives of Five Samurai Men and Their Passion for Ramen. ラーメン きりん japanese street food

Hello! “Japanese Kitchen Tour“. This channel introduces Japanese food culture, chef skills, and Japanese food. In addition to traditional Japanese cuisine (sushi, ramen, udon, soba, sashimi, stalls), we will also introduce Japanese street foods and sweets. This time, I would like to introduce the ramen shop “Nakasu Kawabata Kirin“ in Kamikawabata-cho, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka. This is the hottest ramen shop in Fukuoka right now. Five guys working with passion. The best tonkotsu ramen made by men in Hakata. Please take a look to the end! [ Nakasu Kawabata Kirin Google Map ] こんにちは!「 Japanese Kitchen Tour 」です。 こちらのチャンネルでは、日本の食文化や料理人の技術、日本
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