Haplochromis sp. CH44 thickskin african cichlid care guide
Profile and care guide -
Common names:
Haplochromis sp. “Thick skin“ CH44 “red tail“
Country of origin:
African, Lake Victoria
Required Temp: 24-28ºC
Required PH:
Diet: Insectivore/carnivore
Max. Size: approx (dwarf hap)
Compatible with other similar rift lake cichlids of similar size and nature.(overcrowded to disperse aggression). Avoid peaceful shy species. (They will easily breed with other lake victoria cichlids and form hybrids)
Minimum tank size:
At least 55 gallon (4 foot) preferably bigger as I’ve found these to be particularly aggressive picking fights with pretty much any fish in the aquarium.
Tank decor setup:
A good combination of open swimming spaces and rock for cover as these fish are aggressive. An Aragonite crushed coral based sand substrate is recommended to help reach the required PH.
Tip.. Due to overcrowding to help it is best to over filter as this helps with the larger bioload (recommended filtration - 10 times the aquarium volume for best results).
Haplochromis sp. CH44 thickskin african cichlid care guide
Haplochromis sp. CH44 thickskin african cichlid care guide
Haplochromis sp. CH44 thickskin african cichlid care guide
Haplochromis sp. CH44 thickskin african cichlid care guide
Haplochromis sp. CH44 Thick skin african cichlid care guide lake Victoria
Haplochromis sp. CH44 Thick skin african cichlid care guide lake Victoria
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