The last remaining Virtuoso P1 Decks have dropped! Get yours here:
Watch the full SuperBoomerang tutorial here:
Awhile ago, we posted a clip of Super Boomerang that ended up trending across Reddit, and featured everywhere from a viral news show to Disney’s new “Eye Wonder” TV show.
The funny thing is…a lot of people who saw the clip said it was fake (that it used strings, magnets, or some gimmick).
So, we decided to film a brand new Cardistry video to show Super Boomerang in action from every possible angle.
Why? Because Super Boomerang is 100% real (no strings, magnets, or weird gim
In fact, it’s actually easier than it looks — if you know how.
And to prove it… we’ve created a brand new Cardistry tutorial sharing everything you need to know to throw Super Boomerangs.
Best of all? We’re giving this tutorial to you as a gift.
Check it out on our YouTube channel!
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