MEP Terheș: Greta Thunberg and Bill Gates are unqualified to lecture the world on climate change
Fiery debate in the European Parliament on between MEPs Cristian Terheș and Petros Kokkalisa on climate change and Greta Thunberg.
Here is the transcript:
MEP Terheș: Dear colleagues,
when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is using hysterical, spoiled people like Greta Thunberg, whose place should be in school, not on streets, to promote these reports, clearly we are dealing with a belief system and cult, rather than a scientifically based organization.
Carbon dioxide is a gas that currently represents % of the whole atmosphere.
Despite this small percent, for decades now campaigns are ran to make people believe that man-made CO2 is the cause of the “climate change”.
The solutions proposed to fight climate change are higher taxes and more state control, as well as less rights and options for the people.
“Emissions must have a price that changes our behavior.”
This is what Ursula von der Leyen said in this plenary in 201
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